Have you ever thought about how many decisions you make in a day? According to some reports, the average adult makes up to 35,000 choices per day. Wow! Some choices are easy—wearing the red shirt or eating the apple instead of the banana. Then, there are the not so easy decisions. What do we do when the decision is hard and we are struggling to know which way to go? We believe the first step to making wise choices is trusting that God’s way is perfect. Our prayer is that we can help make many of the 35,000 choices a day our preschoolers will be making one day a whole lot easier. They will know to jump, jump and go God’s way, because God’s way is perfect
Week One (May 2)
Today’s Bible Story: God’s way is perfect.
In the Garden • Genesis 1:31, 2:8–3:24
Memory Verse: “God’s way is perfect.” 2 Samuel 22:31, NIrV
Key Question: Whose way is perfect?
Bottom Line: God’s way is perfect.
Basic Truth: God made me.
Story Focus: God’s way is perfect. We will begin in the Garden of Eden. This is when God introduces us to Himself and His perfect plan. We will explore how perfect everything was from the flowers and the food that grew to the amazing animals that Adam was tasked to name. God has a way of doing things, and it works out best for us when we choose to trust that God’s way is perfect.
Week Two (May 9)
Today’s Bible Story: I should go God’s way.
Jonah • Jonah 1:1–3:10
Memory Verse: “God’s way is perfect.” 2 Samuel 22:31, NIrV
Key Question: Whose way is perfect?
Bottom Line: God’s way is perfect.
Basic Truth: God made me.
Story Focus: I should go God’s way. Week two, we will hear the story of Jonah and some of the choices he made. Preschoolers will learn about what happened to Jonah when he decided to go his way instead of going God’s way. They will hear how Jonah eventually decided, that God’s way is perfect so that was the way he should go.
Week Three (May 16)
Today’s Bible Story: I can go God’s way even when it’s hard.
Naaman • 2 Kings 5:1-14
Memory Verse: “God’s way is perfect.” 2 Samuel 22:31, NIrV
Key Question: Whose way is perfect?
Bottom Line: God’s way is perfect.
Basic Truth: God made me.
Story Focus: I can go God’s way even when it’s hard. A man named Naaman will show us what it looks like to have to make a hard decision. You see, Naaman thought things would happen one way, but God had a different way. Fortunately for Naaman, he chose to go God’s way even thought it was hard. We want our preschoolers to know they can go God’s way when it’s hard, too, because God’s way is perfect.
Week Four (May 23)
Today’s Bible Story: I can tell others about God’s way.
Josiah (Young King) • 2 Chronicles 34
Memory Verse: “God’s way is perfect.” 2 Samuel 22:31, NIrV
Key Question: Whose way is perfect?
Bottom Line: God’s way is perfect.
Basic Truth: God made me.
Story Focus: I can tell others about God’s way. Week four, we will hear the story of a young king named Josiah. Not only did he believe God’s way is perfect and choose to go God’s way, he told others about God’s way, too! We want our preschoolers to know that, even though they are young, they can tell others that God’s way is perfect.
Week Five (May 30)
Today’s Bible Story: God’s way is always perfect.
Gideon’s Army • Judges 7:1-8
Memory Verse: “God’s way is perfect.” 2 Samuel 22:31, NIrV
Key Question: Whose way is perfect?
Bottom Line: God’s way is perfect.
Basic Truth: God made me.
Story Focus: God’s way is always perfect. We will wrap up the month with Gideon. Gideon really had to trust that God’s way is perfect—especially after he heard God’s plan for Gideon to lead the army. Let’s just say it was not your typical battle plan. Gideon trusted God because He knew that God’s way is perfect